Certificates & Accreditations
Spectrum Industrial are a certified accredited distributer of safety equipment. On this page you will find listed the relevant accrediting information: BSiF, BSi, British and European Quality Assurance.

The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) is the UK’s leading trade body within the safety industry. The British Safety Industry Federation is the key independent voice representing the interests of the UK safety industry to a wide audience, including Government, its enforcement agencies, standards making authorities and safety equipment users. Our membership demonstrates our strong commitment to safety and ethical trading.
BSIF Website
BSIF Website

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution, is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. At Spectrum our products conform to where possible all signs are manufactured to the latest symbols detailed in BS ISO EN 7010. In cases where an ISO symbol has not been specified then the sign will be manufactured to BS 5499 standards until one has been published.
BSI Website
BSI Website

Our policy is to meet or exceed all environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice. We are committed to the prevention of pollution and to minimising the impact of our operations on the environment. This environmental policy is the company’s statement and framework for setting of environmental goals which outline our commitment to continual environmental improvement.
Quality & Environmental management systems conform to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001 2015 and includes the mandatory controlled procedures required by the standards.
Spectrum products that are manufactured conform as below:
- Where possible all signs are manufactured to the latest symbols detailed in BS ISO EN 7010. In cases where an ISO symbol has not been specified then the sign will be manufactured to BS 5499 standards until one has been published.
- All our permanent road signs are manufactured and UKCA / CE marked to BS EN 12899 – 1:2007